Amanda Ryan

Amanda Ryan has been actively educating and lobbying on behalf of Ottawa's Trans Community for more than a decade. In addition to her work with Gender Mosaic, she is the co-organizer of Gal's Spring Fling—an annual Trans conference where members can safely spend a week dining, dancing, shopping and learning.
Amanda played a large roll in having the Trans Community officially recognized with Canada's very first Trans Flag Raising Ceremony at Ottawa Police Headquarters in November 2010. She was involved in subsequent flag raising ceremonies held at Ottawa Paramedic Headquarters, Ottawa Fire Headquarters, Ottawa By Law Headquarters, Ottawa City Hall, and Gatineau City Hall.
Amanda was named Lifetime Achievement Marshal for Ottawa's Capital Pride in 2013. MP Randall Garrison made this statement about the honour: “Since I was elected in 2011, I have had the privilege of working with Amanda. She has been such an asset in the fight for equality for transgender and gender-variant Canadians and has helped me immensely in fighting for Bill C-279. Amanda shows bravery, determination and grace in all that she does.”

Amanda has actively supported efforts to pass discrimination protections for Trans people in the Canadian Government. In November 2010 she lead a march to Parliament Hill to support Bill Siksay’s Bill 389. From 2011 to 2015 she lobbied MPs and Senators to support Randall Garrison’s Bill C-279. She worked closely with Senator Grant Mitchell when C-279 got to the Senate. She continued her lobbying efforts in 2016 to 2017 to support Justice Minister Jody Wilson Raybould’s Bill C-16 which passed in June 2017.

She has appeared on CBC’s Power & Politics and CTV’s Powerplay as well as doing as many interviews as possibly on CBC radio and numerous newspapers to promote Trans understanding in the general public. Over several years the change in public understanding was palpable.

Amanda led Gender Mosaic’s efforts to pass discrimination protection legislation from 2010 to 2017. Gender Mosaic gave Amanda their complete support. Gender Mosaic joined forces with Amnesty International who created Trans Equality Canada, a lobby group which gave far more strength to Gender Mosaic’s lobbying efforts. The result was the final passage of discrimination protections for Trans people after many, many years of effort. In November 2017 Gender Mosaic was honoured with a Senate 150th Anniversary Medal which “celebrates the achievements of Canadians who have made significant contributions to their community”.

Amanda continues to be an “Advocate for Trans Understanding” by doing talks at Colleges and Universities as well as taking any opportunity to simply talk to people. It is through visibility that Trans people will move forward to equality in Canadian society.

